Archive for March, 2009


A Warcraft Blessing

March 31, 2009


A Warcraft Blessing

May your loot always be purple,

And a priest be always at your back.

May the quests all fall beneath your blade,

And your hearthstone always be cooled down.

And until we raid again,

Here’s your portal, and I’ll see you back in town.

May your spec always be pwnsome,

And the n00bs all fall to your attack.

May your defense always fight on the flag,

And the wins have bonus honor too.

And then you regroup,

Push right through them, and take it all by force.

May your gold always be plenty,

And the house cut smaller every day.

With the rep grind faster than you think,

May your PuGs have more than five brain cells,

To stop that wiping,

Save your repair bill, for this is the game we play.


This is, of course, a spoof on the “Old Irish Blessing” that graces so many plaques in people’s homes. (Something like this. Sung to Wild Mountain Thyme’s tune of it.) Having been going over many of the more amusing screenshots on WoW Bash, I was reminded that I’ve had at least three separate GMs with a “goodbye” chat macro to the effect of ‘May all your loot be epic’ and variations thereof. So what do you do when you’re awake at some ungodly hour with a song stuck in your head and Warcraft on your mind? Rewrite the lyrics to fit of course!

Mitawa apologizes for the short post and would like to point out that it’s nearing crunch time for Spring semester and every proffessor has an inner sadist that pretends to be unaware that a student is likely to have more than one obligation for enormous, gigantic, rediculous projects all scheduled into this last month. In fact, Mitawa is rather bored with his player for parking him in Dalaran for several days at a time. Most of all, Mitawa is somewhat confused why he’s speaking in the third person and will stop trying to make excuses and end the blog post. Soon. Wait for it… Now.



This whole 3.1 mess

March 24, 2009
The Bear Talks

The Bear Talks

I’m going to start this by saying that this blog was originally intended as a place to talk about roleplaying, yes, but also tanking and offtanking. I haven’t actually talked a lot about tanking recently, but that’s mostly because it’s hard to tank and offtank big important stuff when your guild has drama and implodes itself while you’re not even 80 yet. I haven’t done any Northrend dungeons yet except to get my Winter Veil hat, and I know I can run heroics until my eyes bleed but I’m still wearing badge gear from level 70 and I’ve been distracted by my alts. It happens.

That being said, 3.1 has been covered in great, excruciating, detail by the powers that be at WoW Insider, as well as by a bunch of personal blogs that I’m too lazy to round up and link to. I’m sure you’ve all read them yourselves anyway. What I’m going to cover will be brief:

  • My own take on the most important change for bears.
  • Something about shaman.
  • And a word about the new add-on rules. Read the rest of this entry ?

Rp Server Envy

March 17, 2009

dice As was pointed out in WoW Insider today, the grass always seems greener. The other faction has it easier (Like the Sprite Darter thing, or the cooking recipe vendor, or the… No wait, back on topic.), the other class has it easier, you’d totally pwn if only you had <Insert Race>’s racial instead of yours…

Yeah, well… I have server envy. As was detailed in previous reports,* Earthen Ring is curiously devoid of active Rp, and most people (at least in trade) seem to belittle you for even trying. There used to be a lot of Rp guilds here, but most of them seem to have died off, or transumted into raiding or PVP guilds**. This isn’t to say that there is no Rp there***, but it’s rather sparse.

Honestly, until I started server hopping a bit more, I figured I’d missed something to the effect of:

  • Roleplaying servers have been removed from the game.

in the 2.1 Patch notes. Read the rest of this entry ?


Aeodh mac Aodh

March 10, 2009

siege_engineA cheerful orange glow issued from the coals as a stocky dwarf pumped the bellows three more times and wiped her forehead on a rolled-up sleeve, grinning. Between the clanging of hammer on iron and the roaring of the wind over the top of the chimney, Aeodh and her father weren’t able to speak, but they did share their excitement in identical expressions of glee as the last piece of heavy-tank armor plating got its final shaping. Tomorrow, the piece would be heaved up against the side of the great war machine being built in their shop and bolted into place. Technically, there were still some minor things to clean up, aesthetic modifications to make, and the final check of all the fittings, but effectively this project was done.

Aeodh resumed pumping as part of the coal bed started to darken, and her mind began to wander. After the first four daughters who took up tailoring with his wife, Aodh Steamsmith had decided that his next child would be a son, one way or another. One more bouncing bundle of joy later and he had Aeodh, his new “son”, wrapped in a blue scrap of wool and handed around the tavern for toasts. It was only about five years ago that she’d really started helping her father in his siege vehicle workshop though, even if she’d been in here “helping” since she was a baby. Truth be told, her first steps were made from her mother’s skirt over to her Pa’s toolbox when Ma wasn’t looking. Her father was just fit to bust with pride when he saw that, and knew he finally had the heir to the family business he’d been hoping for. Read the rest of this entry ?


Is that a jingle in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?

March 3, 2009

gold-coinsSo I had this weird bug a few days ago where I logged in and went to change servers and make a new character except that I got the message “You already have the maximum amount of characters allowed on this account.” This, in itself, isn’t that strange. Really, I’m a certifiable alt-aholic. Some little dwarf or tauren will magically appear in my head demanding that she be made NOW, and write her story. In any case, I had too many characters and went to do a general purge of those below level 10 on servers I’ll never go to again.

As I went through and deleted them, however… my character total didn’t go down. Oh no, it kept going up. To the point I had 60 some characters, including servers I know I’ve never played on (Read: PvP servers and me do NOT play nice).  If I clicked on the servers though, there was nothing in the character list. So… 7 characters server list, 0 within the server. After I restarted my computer and disabled my add-ons, all the “extras” had gone poof, I was down to 35 characters total, and I still can’t create new characters because I have the maximum allowed on my account.

I’ll tell you now, you will never have to create a character so desperately as when you are unable to do so. It chafes.

To occupy my time then, I’ve been going through the alts I do have and came across something rather strange. On Silver Hand I have a level 16 gnome mage, the only Alliance character I have on that server and only level 16. This is important. 16.

I logged on to see what she had and see if I should delete her when I happened to glance at her bags and see she’s carrying nearly 460 gold. Now, I don’t know about you, but upon joining a new server I can usually make a decent chunk of change from copper ore… this is ridiculous though. I don’t really remember what happened, but I think it had something to do with selling off Lovely Black Dresses last year Valentine’s. Crazy stuff, man.


Proof ^


Anyway, you have my apologies for a “filler” post, but I have to be going out of town to visit a family member whose health is failing. I’ll get back to some meatier stuff next week, promise.

-Da Barr